Le’Veon Bell and the Social Judgment Theory

Welcome back! We’re going to change things up a bit for this week’s blog. We’re not going to talk about Marvel. *Insert shocked expression here.* Marvel made my favorite character cry in the last movie, so this is my justification for cheating on them this week. While I am a giant Marvel nerd, I am also a giant sports nerd. I shamelessly watch a combined 25 hours of sports a week.  Specifically, in sports, we’re going to discuss this guy.

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His name is Le’Veon Bell. Le’Veon is a running back for the Pittsburg Steelers. Since his entry into the league in 2013, Le’Veon has run for 5,336 yards and 35 touchdowns while surrendering only 6 fumbles. Pretty good numbers right? Le’Veon thinks so. And I would have to agree. As much as it pains me to say, he is was arguably the best back in the league. But here’s the issue: Le’Veon thinks those numbers warrant a max-contract, and to that, I have to laugh.  I don’t think Le’Veon realizes that the day of the running back is dead. It’s all about the passing game. The quarterback is the only position that makes sense to throw $43 million a year at. Despite Le’Veon’s request for a max dollar extension, the Steelers refused to give him more money. So what did he do about it? Basically this.

Image result for sitting down gif

He sidelined himself and refused to play. Yesterday’s Thursday night game kicked off Week 13 of this NFL season, and Le’Veon still hasn’t looked in the direction of Heinz Field. This situation has been a huge topic of discussion this year and considering my hatred for Pittsburg sports (Philly is superior), this controversy has to be of high significance for me to bare discussing the Steelers for more than a second. So is this topic relevant in pop culture? I would say so. Why don’t we take a look at this through communication theory?



This week’s theory is the social judgment theory. The social judgment theory seeks to understand why people respond differently to messages. This theory is all about attitudes. As you can tell, this theory is a model of judgment which is built on the premise that an audience interprets the message of a speaker through their attitude. The theory also believes that a listener’s level of interaction with the topic is an essential factor in attitude change. So how does this apply to Le’Veon Bell? Well, though Le’Veon is keeping himself out of the media’s spotlight, no message is a message in itself. Football fans have generally reacted one of the two following ways. One, Le’Veon Bell has every right a demand more money and sit out. Man’s gotta eat right? Or two, Le’Veon is a greedy child who is wasting his talent, hurting his team, and squandering his opportunity to play in the NFL. Fans received the message Le’Veon left on the field—or I guess I should say didn’t leave on the field—and have contrasting reactions because they either agree or disagree with the speaker based on their viewpoints. Interestingly, those who have supported Le’Veon’s decision have generally been rich professional athletes, believing he has the right to get a high return on his high field performance. Those who disagree are your common middle-class sports fans, who see his active lucrative $14 million salary and view his efforts as childish.



“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

To filter this situation through a biblical worldview, we have to go back to Matthew 6:21. If Le’Veon’s made football the desire of his heart, he would be on the field contributing to His team’s success. Le’Veon actually explains this best himself. Let’s take a look at an old tweet of his, shall we?

Hmmmm… this aged well.

Funny enough, the Steelers replacement for their vagabond running back—namely James Conner—has been a rather suitable and I would argue equivalent substitute for Le’Veon Bell. He is on pace to oust Le’Veon in both yards and touchdowns. To compare this to the Christain walk, the Lord tells us through the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:28 that He calls people to carry out His will on earth; however, we are often blinded by desires of our heart that contradict the desires of God. These distractions hinder us from allowing God to use our earthly lives to further His kingdom. Though, the Lord makes it clear in Scripture that he is sovereign and that His will shall be carried out, even if He must use the next-man-up mentality. So in a world full of Le’Veon Bells, be a James Conner, and take the opportunity to serve Christ in areas that others fail.



If any NFL general managers are reading this: Don’t pick up Le’Veon in free agency. Save your cap space for someone else. 

Communication Accommodation Theory

Welcome back to this week’s blog during this fantastic Thanksgiving season! In the spirit of the season, we will give thanks to communication theory by once again discussing a theory. If you recall last week, we discussed the uses and gratification theory which emphasizes the need for gratification to be the driving motivation to consume media. We applied this premise to Marvel’s audience, and I suggested some reasons as to what potential needs are being filled. This week, our focus is on the communication accommodation theory.



The communication accommodation theory is kinda like…

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putting on a mask. This theory started with the observation that when people from separate cultural or ethnic groups interact, they accommodate to either emphasize or minimize their social differences; accommodation can be either conscious or unconscious. While the theory predominately focuses on speech-related differences such as speech rate, accent, and pauses, any change, including dress, cosmetics, and beliefs falls under the strategy of accommodation. Within the theory, there are two strategies: convergence and divergence. Convergence is adapting behavior to become more similar to a person or group. Divergence is highlighting the differences between you and the other party. Ultimately, the motivation for accommodation is to gain approval. While we usually look at the theory by either analyzing scenes from the movie or the audience, this week we will do both to apply our theory.



Before we analyze Marvel’s use of accommodation, let us first discuss an example of this theory in the movies. In 2015, Wanda Maximoff—also known as Scarlet Witch—entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe portrayed by the only Olsen sister who was not on Full House. Related imageWanda is a genetically enhanced orphan from the fictional Eastern Europe country of Sokovia which, of course, warrants a thick accent. Her first appearance in Avengers: Age One Day of Ultron (2015) showcased a heavy Eastern European accent; however, her accent will gradually diminish over time. In her next appearance, Captain America: Civil War (2016), her accent is only moderately noticeable; by the time she gets to Avengers: Infinity One Day War (2018), her accent is comparable to your average American. Wow these movie titles are overly dramatic aren’t they? While most likely an unconscious decision by the character, Wanda shows accommodation by adapting her accent to match those of her colleagues. (Though, the quickness in which she loses her accent is strange. I have lived in the south for the past ten years and still, have never said “Y’all”.) Image result for scarlet witch gif smilingWanda’s adaption would fall under the convergence strategy because she is becoming more similar to those around her by modifying her tone of speech. The adaptation might also be symbolic of Wanda repenting from her former life as a bitter orphan and becoming a loving member of the Avengers family.



Related imageWhile communication adaptation might be prevalent in the movie characters, does Marvel also use accommodation to gain approval and increase their audience? My opinion? Not consciously. If Marvel wanted to reach more audiences, they would significantly deviate from the comics. While the comics and movies are separate entities for sure, all twenty movies to date use homegrown plots from the mother comics. An argument could be made for Black Panther (2018), but that movie reached more people because of African representation, not because Marvel modified the character or plotline. By staying true to the comics, Marvel is appealing to their fanbase; anything less than the comic standards would send most fans into turmoil and rioting worse than Philadelphia sports fans.



However, when it comes to the strategy of divergence, Marvel separated itself from other superhero film franchises with their summer blockbuster, Infinity War (2018). Image result for gif infinity war disintegrationSpoiler alert! One half of the entire world—including fourteen heroes—die at the end of the movie. In addition, Marvel killed off the anti-hero Loki in the first few minutes of the film—the most popular character according to a recent Marvel.com poll. Most superhero film studios would not even consider killing off their main heroes, especially a character who’s movie reeled in +$2 million in the box office. Avengers Infinity War GIF - Avengers InfinityWar Thanos GIFsWhile it is plainly obvious these characters will be revived in the next Avengers movie, Marvel took the opportunity to distinguish themselves from other studios by taking a bold risk to shock their audience and subvert expectations.



Uses and Gratification Theory

Welcome back! Halloween has come and gone this past Wednesday, so let the Christmas season commence! Absolutely cannot wait to overplay to same two Mariah Carey and Michael Bublé songs again this year. Hold on? You’re telling me Christmas isn’t for 53 more days? Television advertising suggests otherwise. Oh well, Thanksgiving is cool I guess. If you remember last week, we discussed the media ecology theory by analyzing Marvel’s medium of film. Specifically, we saw how the media has affected the perceptions, experiences, attitudes, and behaviors of Marvel’s audience as a deeper level of engagement is developed. This week, we will discuss the uses and gratification theory. 



Image result for delayed gratification tom hiddlestonThe uses and gratification theory transition from answering the question of what media does to people to what people do with media. While the effect of media fluctuates between different people, the theory seeks to understand why people consume media, believing they need for gratification to be the driving motivation. However, media isn’t the only time-consuming source of gratification. Also, the theory analyzes the tug of war between media and non-media for your attention and time. Image result for marvel question gifSo, if this theory does hold weight, then the audience must be analyzed. What reasons do people engage with Marvel movies for? What aspects of these movies does the audience find gratification in? Why are Marvel movies a preferred form of media?



Image result for thor and hulk fight gifFirst, let’s tackle a few of the reasons why people might find gratification with Marvel movies. First, all the movies feature intense, well-choreographed action. Unless sitting at a desk or 7 o’clock Wheel of Fortune is enough excitement for some people, the vast majority of us most likely do not have much action happen in our lives. But no matter how much action we have or lack in our lives, we all crave it. It’s why we slow down to rubberneck when we see an accident on the side of the road. This need is fulfilled by superhero movies because nothing cures an action craving like superheroes throwing shields and lightning blasts at bad guys.

Another aspect of Marvel movies some might find gratification in is romance. One of the biggest stereotypes in superhero movies is that the superhero always has a girlfriend. Marvel doesn’t divert from that stereotype; 85% of Marvel films feature the main character directly involved in a romantic relationship. While predictable, we are entertained by romantic relationships and the prevalence of these relationships reflects our glorification of them in our culture. Emotions are a universal characteristic of all humans, love being one of them. But why is this so? Related imageWe value love because we are created in God’s image; the Bible explicitly refers to God as the physical embodiment of love. Jesus’ greatest commandment was even a call to love. Romance in any movie suffices our need for love by witnessing the emotion through characters as we form an attachment to them.


The suppression of evil is another key element of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. To have a superhero movie, you must have good and evil, and to separate these entities, there must be an established moral standard that classifies the actions of characters as either right or wrong. In MaImage result for thanos gif snaprvel’s most ambitious movie, Infinity War, that came out in April—you may have heard of it—the villain, Thanos, has a solution to end world hunger and other resource shortages. He proposes a mass genocide of 50% of the population in order the save the universe from predicted extinction. While he believes the slaughter of the half will be justified by the survival of the other half, the heroes believe this solution is immoral and fight against it. The moral compasses of the characters reflect the culture’s value of morality. Our culture takes pride in their views and the strong wills of the heroes and villains reflect their passion. While evil runs rampant through the streets of real life, Marvel’s audience can engage with these movies with the affirmation that evil will ultimately not reign victorious, giving them pleasure in the victory of the heroes.



God created the world with the intent of our enjoyment. It is not inherently sinful to find gratification in things other than Scripture. If it was, God would have written an eleventh commandment against cheesesteaks. However, the problem of worldly gratification occurs when either we search for satisfaction in things only God can provide or prioritize pleasures of the world over our relationship with Christ. When it comes to the matter of death, God is the only one who can satisfy our eternal need. To receive God’s gift of life beyond the grave, we must realign our desires with His desires. Only then can we partake in the bounty of his blessings.








Media Ecology

Welcome back to this week’s blog/weather update! It’s now a rainy 44 degrees, and I rescind my request for colder weather and will be migrating back to Tampa effective immediately. Last week, we discussed the identification aspect of the dramatism theory. We accessed Marvel’s motives through the theory’s pentadic core and how Marvel was able to persuade its audience in Captain America: Civil War by finding common ground with them. This week, we will discuss the media ecology theory. 



Related imageThe media ecology theory was developed on the premise that social and personal environments are dramatically altered by electronic media. The theory strives to explain how people interact with media and how those interactions sculpt our culture. As technology develops, the symbolic environment—the socially constructed, sensory world of meanings that in turn shapes our perceptions, experiences, attitudes, and behavior—changes. While we have been conditioned to perceive the delivered message as separate from the medium, media ecologists see them as the same entity. Using this theory, we will analyze the medium of Marvel movies, the level of engagement with the medium, and how media has affected individuals engaging with these films.



Related imageFirst, let’s determine the medium of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Before we get started, let’s define the word medium. Not quite the same as the McDonald’s french fry size or the math term, this kind of medium is a specific type of media. Because Marvel releases its content in the form of movies sent to theaters, our medium is film



Secondly, let’s discuss the level of engagement with our niche. Does Marvel’s audience actually listen to the messages being communicated through film? Absolutely, they do. Image result for civil war gif morality captain americaSpecifically, one message that we discussed last week was that it is always right to fight for what you believe in regardless of the perception or potential resentment of others. Marvel fans widely embraced this message; the proof is in their response to the movie. Instead of dividing the fanbase in half as a civil war should, fans walked out of the theater generally respecting both characters decisions because they were both acting on what they believed was right, even though they both executed differently. Image result for anxiety attack iron man gif

Another message Marvel conveyed to fans is the importance of mental health awareness. With Iron Man 3, Marvel became the first superhero film franchise to showcase a character who struggles with an anxiety disorder. Iron Man— who suffered several anxiety attacks during the film—instantly became the studio’s most popular character and still remains in the top five according to a recent Marvel Studios poll. Fans, especially those who suffer from mental illness, related to the character’s weakness and vulnerability which caused them to embrace the character more intensely. Image result for wakanda forever gif

Black Panther is another great example. Featuring the first African character to star in his own film including an over 95% African American cast, the message of more African American representation in culture was widely accepted with a $1.3 M return in the box office.



With twenty films in the universe, over 42 hours of media is bound to affect the perceptions, experiences, attitudes, or behaviors of individuals who engage with Marvel movies. Image result for marvel post credit scene gifOne particular behavior Marvel has conditioned its audience to normalize is sitting through endless credits for a mere thirty-second scene. After every Marvel film to date, at least one post-credit scene—usually containing content like easter eggs or glimpses of future movies—airs.  Image result for thor what more could i lose gif

Because Marvel has done an excellent job with allowing their characters, even the male heroes, to be vulnerable, Marvel fans have grown to perceive heroes as emotional humans just like the rest of us. Last month, Marvel released the trailer for their upcoming film Captain Marvel. Brie Larson, the actor playing the role of Captain Marvel, instantly received backlash following the trailer’s release regarding the lack of emotional range in her portrayal of the character. Because of vulnerable characters like Loki and Thor, any unemotional characters introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe from now on will have a hard time being supported by the fanbase. Related image

For many fans, the experience of seeing a Marvel movie has been very different the past year. Previously, fans could go to the theaters with a glimmer of hope that their favorite hero would make it out unscathed; however, now that fan favorites such as Iron Man and Captain America are portrayed by actors with one movie remaining on their contracts, fans enter every movie with a funeral mentality.



With a wide variety of media today, we would be naive to say media does not affect us in some way. As Christians, we mustn’t let the media alter God’s design of communication or the commands of His Holy Word. The development of technology and the expanding access to it is not inherently bad, but we must be careful to engage with it both wisely and conservatively.












Dramatism: Identification

Welcome back! The 80-degree spell is finally over which means that blogging about communication theory weather is back. Not that it ever left, but it’s much more fun blogging with a cozy blanket and a hot cup of chamomile tea. Last week, we discussed the cognitive dissonance theory which focuses on discord between an individual’s actions and beliefs. Specifically, I shared my personal experience regarding a scene with the characters Tony and Pepper in Infinity War. This week, we will focus on the identification aspect of the dramatism theory. 



This theory believes that life is a walking drama and that language serves as a strategic response to specific situations. The core structure of this theory is encompassed in a pentad which is used to assess motives: act, agency, agent, scene, purpose. Within this theory is the concept of identification. Identification is kinda like…

Image result for nametag gif

a name tag. Identification regards the speaker’s ability to find common ground with the audience. If the speaker can identify with his or her audience’s “nametag”, persuasion takes place.



Image result for iron man punch in perfect teeth gif captain americaThis week we will use our theory to analyze the film Captain America: Civil War (2016). In a year where three separate superhero film franchises released a movie featuring the good guys in the middle of a civil war, Marvel stands out from the rest by directly including “Civil War” in the movie title. The movie centralizes on the relationship between Iron Man and Captain America. The two Avengers find themselves in the middle of a feud when the United Nations decide to sign an accord requiring the superheroes to take action only under the authority of the government instead of their own discernment. Related imageWhile Iron Man believes the Avengers should be above reproach by allowing the government to regulate and take responsibility for the Avengers’ actions, Captain America wholeheartedly disagrees. Cap rebels against the government believing that the United Nations are not trustworthy and that the Avengers are more capable of handling crisis situations. By the end of the movie, Cap has recruited the fallen angels of the Avengers, become a fugitive of the United States government by escaping to Scottland, and left Iron Man and the remainder of the heroes with the guilt of the team’s division.



Image result for captain america drops shield gifWhile the dispute between these two beloved characters splintered the hearts of fans, Marvel successfully communicated a message that persuaded the whole of the fanbase. Marvel was able to persuade their audience because they found common ground. Many of us have gone through a situation where we were faced with the decision of compromising our beliefs when clashing with someone of a different mindset. Image result for believe gif marvelThe most frequent occurrence of this is between parent and rebellious teenagers. Through Captain America: Civil War, Marvel encourages fans to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means sacrificing everything. Cap acted on what he thought was right for the protection of the earth, but in turn, he sacrificed his mantle and his vibranium shield; Iron Man stood up for what he believed to be fairest for innocent citizens but lost the team he had created.



In our world today, we have multiple platforms of social media that encourage us to openly and publically express our views. I suggest that Marvel is embraced in pop culture because they play into this encouragement. Marvel has successfully persuaded their audience to accept that fighting for what you believe is always right.


We can assess the motives through the pentad we discussed earlier:

Act: Iron Man and Captain America fight each other.

Agency: The act occurs because neither character will concede and a decision must be reached.

Agent: Iron Man and Captain America engage in the act of fighting.

Scene: The two characters fight in a German airport after disagreeing about government regulation of superheroes.

Purpose: The characters justified their actions by believing they were doing what was right.


ISAIAH 5:20-21

As sinful humans, we are naturally selfish and are easily persuaded by the idea of drawing our own lines of morality. The idea of relative morality is a terrifying concept in our culture because God is true the ordainer and dictator of morality, not ourselves. However, as Christians, it is important that we practice our faith and boldly stand for the things of the Lord and His Holy Word. We are ambassadors of God, and we must accurately represent His Word for the world to come to know the Truth.


Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Welcome back to this week’s blog! Let’s talk about how it’s October but still 80 degrees theory! If you recall last week, we looked at the relational dialectics theory. We discussed the theory’s main premise of contradictions and how they create tension in relationships. We saw how the character Scott Lang was affected when the expectations of others clashed with his inner desires. This week, we will look at the cognitive dissonance theory through my personal experience with a message being conveyed from our niche.



This week’s GIF version of our theory is…

Image result for harmonize gif.


Not just musicians, but all people have an innate sense that allows us to judge if music is pleasurable; scientifically, we can decipher good tones and beats from disturbing ones. This sense is why we wince at nails on a chalkboard, the crinkling of styrofoam, and unsynchronized choirs. The cognitive dissonance theory focuses on the headaches caused by mental discord, but not the kind you can fix with Tylenol. This kind of mental ache is a disjunction between an individual’s actions and beliefs. We call this lack of harmony dissonance. The theory states that the desire to rid oneself of dissonance is as natural as the need for safety or to satisfy hunger. Dissonance causes unbearable tension and leaves us with two options: change our actions or change our beliefs.



Image result for tony and pepper gifThis past April, Marvel released a lesser-known film called Avengers: Infinity War. Absolutely kidding. This movie raked in almost two billion dollars. The studio’s most ambitious film yet, Infinity War featured over 50 characters from the previous 19 films. Specifically, the couple Tony Stark and Pepper Potts were featured at the beginning of the movie. Ten total years and six movies together, this duo has become wildly popular within Marvel’s audience members. I am the first to admit that I am entertained by Tony and Pepper and have been rooting for their relationship since the first Iron Man came out in 2008. In Infinity War, the characters share a scene walking through a public park in New York City. During their stroll, Tony turns to Pepper and tells her about his dream the prior night; he dreams that he and Pepper had a child. Tony goes on to propose that the couple makes the dream a reality, but Pepper quickly silences the issue, saying that his high-risk job of saving the world makes him ineligible to be a father. While I was sitting in the theater, I found myself imagining the couple raising a child and found myself in full support of the idea. I mean, babies are cute right? It was not too long after when I realized that my support of their proposed parenthood did not align with my beliefs.



While watching the movie, I was not critically thinking before supporting the couple. Reflecting on the movie while walking out of the theater, I remembered a crucial truth in Tony and Pepper’s relationship: the two characters are not married. As a Christian, I take the Bible as absolute truth in its entirety. 1 Corinthians 7:2 and Hebrews 13:4 both explicitly state the role of sexuality as a function of marriage. God’s law regarding this issue is not sugar-coated or vague in His Word; we are without excuse.



Realizing the disagreement between my support of Tony’s proposal and my beliefs, my dissonance motivated me to make a decision. Either I had to change my support of the couple’s parenthood, or I had to change my beliefs. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit provided wisdom to help me choose the former. As a result of my experience, I have learned to better analyze my niche as well as other products of the world to avoid dissonance and potentially compromising my faith.



Though, pop culture does not hold this biblical command; pop culture does not value marriage as more than another signature and sexual purity as more than a restriction of happiness. Marvel movies reflect this common view that is held by a vast majority of their audience members. Diverting from the belief of pop culture is too risky a move for a big film company like Marvel and if these grapes are the ones pop culture wants to eat they will keep being served.



Relational Dialectics Theory


Welcome back to this week’s blog! If you remember last week, our theory was the social penetration theory. We discussed the importance of vulnerability and gradually allowing the other person to see deeper layers of ourselves. Specifically, in our niche of pop culture, we looked at the connection between the characters Thor and Loki and how Loki’s invulnerability paralyzed their sibling relationship from intensifying. This week, our focus is on the relational dialectics theory. 

This theory is…

Image result for tug of war gif

great because it gives me an excuse to include a GIF of cute dogs like a game of tug-of-war. Remember during field day in third grade when your class played against the rival class and you were put at the end of the rope because you weren’t athletic? No, just me? All jokes aside, the relational dialectics theory is a lot like this recess game. The origins of this theory bring us back to the mystery of how communication creates and changes close relationships. The main root of this theory is contradictions and emphasizes the tension and struggle between two individuals. This tension can be either internally within a relationship or externally within a community. Today, we will look at a bite-size character with family size problems: Ant-Man.



Image result for scott lang drummingAnt-Man, the most light-hearted of the superheroes, is well… let’s just say we’re glad that he isn’t really defending the earth because unless the villain can be defeated with Guitar Hero, we might be in trouble.


Image result for scott lang in jail

Marvel, the clever name generator they are, finally decided to deviate from generic names like Steve, Sam, and Peter and create a new franchise starring a man named Scott. Scott Lang. Scott Lang makes his appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe by starting at rock bottom in Ant-Man (2015). An experienced thief, Scott has spent most of his adult life behind bars. Following his first arrest, Scott Lang loses his freedom, his wife, and the right to visit his young daughter, Cassie.

Image result for scott lang and wife gif ant manUpon release from prison, Scott attempts to visit Cassie unannounced at her birthday party and is kicked out of his ex-wife, Maggie’s house upon arrival, but not before being chastised for failing to provide child support. Already, we see a contradiction between Scott and Cassie’s mother. Scott sees his love for Cassie as a sufficient reason for him to be allowed to visit his daughter, but Maggie demands that he put his love into action by finding work to help raise their child.



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To provide for Cassie, Scott Lang gets a job at Baskin-Robbins. However, his stint at the ice cream parlor is cut short when the store manager discovers his criminal record. Scott continues to struggle to find a job that will accept his wrongdoings, until his old cellmate, Luis, proposes a job offer. Related imageLuis hears of a loaded safe inside a rich retired man’s house and encourages Scott to help him loot it. Now torn between wanting to be a better man and wanting to provide for her, Scott gets desperate and decides to give in to his thieving ways. In this situation, Scott is struggling with an internal contradiction. He knows that reverting back to crime is not something his daughter can be proud of, but views the costs of getting caught and feeling guilty inferior to the benefits of being able to provide for his daughter.



Image result for thinks for thanking of me gifIn Captain America: Civil War (2016), Ant-Man gets recruited by Steve Rodgers, a.k.a. Captain America, to join his resistance against Iron Man’s team amid a feud that splits the Avengers down the middle. But, this is not just any feud; this one has legal implications. Scott Lang once again finds himself pitted against the law. He either rejects Cap’s offer and avoids more time behind bars, or he accepts the offer and risks the safety of his friends and losing the ability to see his daughter again. In the end, Scott allows his newly found superhero complex to control him as he decides to suit up as Ant-Man to fight and in turn realizes the weight of the costs, receiving two years of house arrest and causing the arrest of his girlfriend’s family.



Related imageBecause God created us in His image, we have a law of morals written on our hearts. These laws conflict with our sinful nature and cause us to struggle between different choices. In addition to an internal contradiction, different people have different worldviews that influence their values and goals. Whether between friends or family, the diversity of worldviews causes tension in relationships. I believe that my niche is popular in pop culture because Marvel movies highlight this human struggle both within ourselves and between others. Because we relate, we can easily connect with characters on-screen who play tug-of-war with themselves or others. Specifically, with the character Scott Lang, we see his internal and external tensions and how they affected his decisions. In the end, we all struggle with contradictions and seeing characters succeed in the midst of them gives us hope.





Social Penetration Theory


Welcome back to the blog, where we explore communication theory within popular culture. Last time, we talked about the coordinated management of meaning theory in Age of Ultron. We saw how words are often misinterpreted or misconstrued in communication because different people define different words differently. This miscommunication often leads to fractures between two people or groups as terms are left undefined. We saw this particularly between Tony Stark and his peacekeeping initiative bot Ultron. This week, we will be focusing on a new theory: social penetration.

The social penetration theory is…

Image result for onion

But that’s the short way to explain this theory. The goal of the social penetration theory is to explain how relational closeness develops. Through their research, buyers of this theory centralize verbal self-disclosure as the main root. Whether this is through sharing history, values, or secrets, transparency is key. Relationships develop and become more intimate as we peel back the layers of our core as we reveal our vulnerability to another person. When deciding the breadth and depth of our vulnerability, we weigh the benefits and costs of self-disclosure.



Viewing our niche through the lens of the social penetration theory, we will look at the relationship between two brothers throughout several movies: Thor and Loki.

Image result for loki adopted gif ragnarok

Errr… well… No, actually thinking back on growing up with two brothers, this is exactly what a sibling relationship is like. But this relationship is far from average and rather complex. Because each Marvel movie is a continuation of their universe’s timeline, there is room for profound character development throughout multiple films, and of course, many layers of the onion to be peeled back.


Image result for you are incapable of sincerity thor and lokiGoing back to the beginning of their relationship in Thor (2011), we see the brothers in a golden palace room before Thor’s coronation to be king of Asgard in. The brothers exchange lighthearted banter, and then Thor makes an interesting statement in response to a compliment Loki gave to Thor. “You are incapable of sincerity.” Right off the bat, we see a flaw in the brother’s communication. Judging Thor’s doubtful reaction to Loki’s compliment, we as an audience receive the message that Loki is not often vulnerable which will be expounded upon throughout the films.



Image result for loki you could have told me what i was from the beginningLater in the movie, Loki is told the words no child wants to hear: you’re adopted, and oh, yeah, you’re real father is the overlord of an evil planet. Loki has been living a lie of a life for over 1,000 years, and he does not react calmly. The character goes on to plan the extinction of an entire planet. Specifically, the planet of evil frost giants that he is from in an attempt to destroy his true identity and earn his father’s respect. This misguided attempt of heroism creates a chasm between Loki and Thor’s relationship as the characters soon become a symbol of good versus evil.



Image result for loki and thor fightingWhile Loki never loses his love for Thor, he makes a conscious effort to conceal his feelings and quickly develops a habitual talent of masking his emotion. But deep down, Loki is terrified of Thor’s indifference to him and wishes that Thor can accept him as his brother again despite his mistakes.Image result for sentiment loki

Loki quickly grows to the point of desperation that he uses villainy as a medium to attract Thor’s attention because having his brother chase him around the galaxy to stop his evil schemes is better than not having his brother care at all. Loki’s refusal to be verbally vulnerable is a paralytic to the rebuilding of this relationship. If Loki was willing to show his vulnerability to Thor, he could have shelved his evil nonsense much earlier.



Related imageTwo Thor films, six years and two faked deaths later, Loki is still unwilling to be vulnerable. He is not willing to risk the costs of self-disclosure for the potential benefits of the relationship. That is until his greatest fear comes true. Loki realizes that his brother has grown indifferent to him. Thor’s comments cause Loki to realize that the costs of being vulnerable are far less than not having his brother at all.



Image result for odinson loki infinity war

In the final moments of his life, Loki sacrifices himself for his brother. Right before Loki dies, he declares himself to be an “Odinson”, Thor’s family name. He verbally claims Thor as his brother and even pledges “undying fidelity” to him, peeling back the deepest layer of the onion to reveal his inner core. As a result of his confession, Thor and Loki share a mutual love for each other and fully restore the intimacy of their former brotherhood.




I believe that my niche may be popular within our culture today because many people can relate or sympathize with complicated family relationships whether lies, rebellion, disagreement or whatever the dividing factor. Thor and Loki are only one of the many redeemed relationships throughout the Marvel Universe. This frequent occurrence of redemption reflects pop culture’s appeal to characters who successfully solve their relational issues. Every one of us has experienced a fractured relationship, and watching characters figure it out gives us hope to mend our relationship issues in real life.







Coordinated Management of Meaning Theory: Age of Ultron


Last week on the blog, I made some predictions. Specifically, I made predictions about aspects of pop culture that are reflected in Marvel movies such as aesthetics, romance, unity, and idolatry; now in the coming weeks, I will dive into a specific Marvel movie through the lens of communication theory. This week’s lens is the coordinated management of meaning theory.




“All words are made up.”

While a comedic banter between characters, Thor’s comment actually touches on a key aspect of language: we have the power to create words. And with the power to create words comes the power to assign meaning. Words themselves do not hold any weight, but through reason and social interaction, we give them an identity. However, like many things about our world, we are divided when it comes to these meanings. Words like religion, equality, freedom, and even seemingly more refined words such as wet, cold, and a baby are all defined differently by different people. This often leads to misunderstanding and conflict between two people or groups. Along the way, this concept of communication was developed into a theory called coordinated management of meaning. This theory discusses the process by which we create meaning through interpretation and interactions.




This week, I will turn my attention to the second installment of the Avengers franchise. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). The film may have not lived up to fan expectations after the head-turning origin movie in 2012, but it does contain a good example of our theory this week.

Image result for age of ultronAfter the cosmic invasions of the first Avengers, Tony Stark (a.k.a. Iron Man) is in a long-term limbo between house parties and PTSD attacks. He is terrified that if extraterrestrials or Norse gods return, the Avengers will not be able to defend earth. Tony’s fear becomes a paralytic and causes him to plan a domestic, global defense system named Ultron, a nearly indestructible army of bots. When the team captures a powerful scepter, capable of cognitive thinking, from an enemy base, Tony uses the scepter to program his bots.

bruceWhile Tony thought he was creating the earth’s savior, he accidentally created her exterminator. You see, Tony programmed Ultron with the goal of “ending the Avengers”, but the word ending can be taken multiple ways. In modern English, we use the word “end” to mean many different things of both positive and negative connotation including a conclusion, termination, running out of, and to kill.  By “end”, Tony meant to speak a more powerful hero into existence, one who could adequately protect the earth from any more harm and was more effective than the Avengers; however, Ultron interpreted his protocol to be on the other end of the spectrum.


Image result for ask noah ultronUltron took the threat to create an even more extreme protocol. Would the world even be safe if humans were the only threat to the planet? Ultron twisted the faults of man to the point of wanting to exterminate mankind in its entirety. The only way to protect the earth was to protect it from all life, showing that he did not believe there was value to humans. Even though humans desire peace on their planet, they were still hopeless, and that was not honorable to Ultron.




To defeat Ultron, Tony creates a new bot with programming that reflects his version of a savior. During the resolution of the film’s conflict, the new bot, Vision, is confronted with his maniacal predecessor.  To Ultron, saving the world meant eliminating everything that was not perfection, but to Vision, a savior supported those who try, even if they do not always get it right.



Looking through the lens of the coordinated management of meaning theory, we see how meanings differ between individuals and the potential danger of misunderstanding. While this misunderstanding may not lead to the extinction of mankind like in the film, it can lead to an extinction of unity, and with partisan, denominational, and many other arguments sawing our world, we must take the initiative to define our terms and understand the perspective of others while communicating.



THERE WAS AN IDEA…                                                                                                                      

In my opinion, the need for people to be entertained is the most interesting thing about humans. And beginning in the 1930s, comic books became one of the most prominent sources of entertainment. Specifically, Marvel and Detective (DC) Comics were two of the most popular. Creating a fantasy of superheroes adventures, young generations have adored the might of the characters and their cosmic realities. But as much as comic books were adored, the film adaptions were not as widely embraced. From the 1980’s Superman to the 2000’s Spider-man, superhero movies were unable to reach a diversity of people outside the comic book clique. That was until 2008 when Marvel Studios produced a film called Iron Man. While not immediately groundbreaking, the popularity of the movie gradually increased as word of the movie’s potency quickly spread down society’s telephone. Iron Man took the world by storm and now twenty-one films later, Marvel Studios has grossed over $14 billion from films alone. No longer cheesy and shabby, Marvel created blockbuster superhero movies that have dominated the box office for an entire decade. Marvel Studios was able to achieve something no other superhero film franchise was able to: expand their audience to more than just comic book nerds.


With the culture’s rave for these movies, the question must be asked: Why are these movies so wildly popular? What about the films justifies Marvel Studio’s massive box office numbers? Why has society attached to these films? I will be the first one to admit that Marvel has effectively communicated some kind of message to me that causes me to routinely go watch these movies. Critically thinking about why we are entertained by certain things is important, because it is dangerous to blindly enjoy something without bringing the underlying messages to light. In this post, I will make several predictions as to how Marvel appeals to a large portion of the general public and what it reflects about culture itself.



In the Marvel film, The Avengers (2012), the antagonist, Loki, makes an intriguing statement. “You were made to be ruled. It is the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation.” While this seems this a cliche throw-away line used by a villain to assert his sovereignty, the character is not entirely wrong. We do, to some extent, desire to worship something. We as humans know that we are fallible. It is evident in every aspect of life and causes us to look for perfection. I believe that this complex is because we are made in God’s image. We have an innate desire to submit to someone, someone who is able to save us from all the disease, violence, and chaos we see on the news. While superheroes have occasional moments of weakness and defeat, they symbolize persistence and victory by serving a purpose bigger than themselves. We as a culture love to watch someone who is uniquely able to defeat an evil or negative force that otherwise would have triumphed.



One of the biggest stereotypes in superhero movies is that the superhero always has a girlfriend. Out of all the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, 20 of 21 have featured main characters involved in obvious romantic tension or a dating relationship. While predictable, we as a culture are entertained by them. Due to the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, many people have either witnessed or been through broken relationships, divorce, or abuse of some kind. Relationships in Marvel movies are mostly void of intense arguing and bitter separation, the potential dating conflicts that we as a society fear. From Tony Stark and Pepper Potts to Star Lord and Gamora, and even the uncompelling Thor and Jane Foster, the portrayal of “perfect” romances in Marvel films reflects the glorification of relationships in our culture.


As a culture, we are obsessed with how we look. Why else would there be a salon on every corner? Commercials, advertisements, celebrities, and many other sources are constantly screaming at us that something can be improved with our outward appearance. Marvel is playing this truth about culture to their advantage. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Thor? It should be his magic hammer, but I bet most would say his (now former) long, blonde hair. What about Captain America? Do you picture of his shield or his blue eyes? Loki’s cheekbones or his horned helmet? Black Widow’s figure or Russian origin? You would have to look hard at the extras in the movies to find a character with a daunting cosmetic flaw.



Throughout 21 movies and over 100 characters, Marvel Studios has been able to successfully connect their films to each other while still preserving the quality of their characters. The concept of characters across different films coming together is intriguing to our culture. Our culture values unity. While we do not always practice it, we love to watch it. The concept of a team uniting toward a common goal began in our country with the American Revolution and spread to different areas such as sports and church communities. Therefore, it is no surprise that the Avengers franchise of reals in the most money.